May 6, 2022

My short story, Lockers for Life, will appear in June/July issue of Seize the Press. Seize the Press is a relatively new online magazine and is currently only available through a Patreon subscription, although they do make one story per issue available for free on their website. I will keep everyone updated on how you…

January 13, 2022

It’s that time again: here are my top ten favourite books of the past year. In 2021, I managed 51 books, 23 of which, I rated five stars. So, it was no easy task limiting the list to ten. I’ve managed to keep books published in 2021 as the majority, but a few holdovers from…

January 2, 2022

This recap of my writing activity is intended as a personal record but is also a chance to crow about the things I achieved. I’m not sure how interesting my readers will find this, but if you’re wondering what I was up to in the writing world, you’ll find it here. Productivity Starting in mid-2018,…

October 11, 2021

It is no secret that I have been a big fan of the first two editions of the Stories We Tell After Midnight anthologies. The quality of the stories has been exceptional, so it is with great pride that I announce the inclusion of one of my stories in the third volume. My story, The…

April 13, 2021

I am very pleased to announce my story, Uncertain Evidence, will appear on The Other Stories podcast as part of their upcoming series on lost civilizations. This will be my third story on The Other Stories, and the thrill of knowing I’ll be able to listen to a talented voice-artist read my words never lessens….

January 11, 2021

It’s time for my favourite books of the year. In 2019, I got through a record 54 books, but with disruptions to my routine, I fell a little short of that mark in 2020 and only got 49 in. Still, I had more than enough wonderful reads that keeping this list to ten is a…

January 4, 2021

The Elephant in the Room As with everyone, Covid-19 cast a shadow over my 2020. No doubt, I was luckier and more privileged than most. I stayed healthy, had no break in employment, and no tragedy struck close to home. But that’s not to say things were perfect. The social isolation from working from home…

December 14, 2020

With the launch of this new website, I am also relocating my blog (Writer in the Dark) from Blogger to this site. I won’t be removing the old blog, but new posts will appear here instead. Also, I will be copying over some of my favourite historic posts.



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